Privacy policy for processing guest, customer and supplier information at Hotel Falster aps

1. Data Manager
Hotel Falster is the data controller.
Hotel Falster contact information is:
Stubbekøbingvej 150, 4800 Nykøbing F
Hotel Falster handles all personal information in accordance with applicable personal data law.
Hotel Falster concludes an agreement with guests, customers and suppliers on delivery – purchase and sale – of various services and products.
When a guest / customer orders and purchases one or more of Hotel Falster’s services, and as a result, delivers his personal information to Hotel Falster, at the same time, he agrees that the visitor’s / customer’s /
supplier’s personal information may be processed by Hotel Falster. The same applies to any personal information supplied by Hotel Falster to Hotel Falster in connection with the submission of offers or the conclusion of agreements with Hotel Falster.

2. Hotel Falster`s collection of personal data
Personal information collected by Hotel Falster is as follows:
• When a guest / customer – or a representative of this – chooses to acquire and / or buy one of Hotel Falster’s services / products or when a supplier offers or sells products or services to Hotel Falster.
• From B2B market.
• Through browser cookies and web beacons.
• When using Hotel Falster digital services.
• By participating in the Hotel Falster customer / loyalty program Benefits.
• From social media, advertising and analysis providers, as well as public records.
• Via video and TV surveillance.
• When suppliers enter into agreements with Hotel Falster or make an offer to Hotel Falster.
The collection and processing of personal data, cf. the above, will always be in accordance with applicable personal data law.
Video surveillance that is set in / at the entrance, reception takes place in the context of crime prevention and acts as a safer initiative for employees and guests.

3. Information that Hotel Falster collects
Hotel Falster collects the following personal information:
• Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth and other common non-personally
identifiable personal data.
• Payment card details – typically as a guarantee of a reservation and for payment of a stay.
• Demographic information.
• Purchase History including the use of the Hotel Falster app and / or other digital services.
• The use of Hotel Falster customer / loyalty program.
• Information from Hotel Falster customer surveys.
• Information from any competitions offered
• Information from Hotel Falster Social Media and other digital platforms belonging to Hotel Falster.
• Browser information.
• Information about the guest / customer’s business and relevant contacts.
• Information about suppliers’ business as well as information about relevant contacts and key persons including key accounts.
A Guest / Customer Provider may, on a voluntary basis, provide Hotel Falster with additional personal information which, in its opinion, may affect Hotel Falster’s service / service by the guest / customer / supplier or, as the person believes, should be given for security reasons.
This can for example be information about:
• Disabled
• Allergy
• Special food preferences
• Other health or medical information
If a guest / customer / supplier voluntarily and at its discretion chooses to provide such information, Hotel Falster considers this as consent to register and store these sensitive information about the person concerned.

In addition to the information that Hotel Falster receives directly from guests / customers / suppliers, Hotel Falster will in some cases obtain or process additional information received by third parties, such as Hotel Falster. a travel agent, another intermediary or an employee of the company in which the registered person is employed.

Where this is the case, the third party concerned is obliged to inform the relevant guests / customers / suppliers about the Hotel Falster terms and conditions as well as the Hotel Falster privacy policy. It is also the responsibility of the third party to ensure that there is the necessary legal basis for collecting and processing the information in question, including obtaining any information. necessary consent to processing any sensitive information.

4. Payment by debit card
Hotel Falster uses DIBS (Nets), for redeeming payments with payment and credit cards. In addition to handling the order, the information provided is used only if a guest / customer / supplier eg. ask you questions or if the order is wrong.

5. What is the purpose of collection and treatment?
Hotel Falster only collects personal information that is required to fulfill the agreements entered into with guests / customers / suppliers regarding the provision of services, for example. an overnight stay, or purchase / sale of products or services.
It is the nature of the individual agreement’s content / service, which determines which personal information Hotel Falster collects and processes and determines the purpose of the collection.
The purpose of collecting and processing personal data will primarily be:
• Treatment of guest / customer booking and purchase of Hotel Falster services.
• Processing of suppliers’ and sales of products and services
• Contact to the guest / customer before, during or after his stay.
• Completion of the guest / customer’s request for offers or purchase of services.
• Improvement and development of Hotel Falster services.
• Adaptation of Hotel Falster Marketing and Other Communications.
• Analysis of customer / customer / supplier’s user behavior and marketing towards these
• Adapting Hotel Falster partners’ communications and marketing to guests / customers / suppliers.
• Management of customer / customer / supplier relationship to Hotel Falster, including possible
participation in the Hotel Falster customer / loyalty program.
• Compliance with legal requirements, eg. requirement to register overnight guests according to immigration legislation and passport notice.

6. Legal basis – the legal basis – for the treatment
Hotel Falster will usually process personal information because it is necessary to fulfill an agreement with Hotel Falster, for which you are a guest / customer or a supplier. For example, it may be related to hotel accommodation, meeting and / or handling and fulfillment of cooperation and supplier agreements. In addition, Hotel Falster will process personal information in connection with booking prior to accommodation, meeting meetings, companies, conferences, etc. as well as prior to the conclusion of supplier agreements.
In some cases, Hotel Falster will process personal information in the event that Hotel Falster pursues a legitimate / legitimate interest which precedes the interests of the guest / customer / supplier (registered). Such legitimate interest can be, for example, the preparation of statistics, customer surveys, marketing and analysis of general guest / customer behavior, which generally aims to improve the experience of Hotel Falster and the quality of Hotel Falster’s services and products. If a guest / customer in connection with his stay / visit to Hotel Falster disclose special personal preferences or considerations, including eg. health information, disability, religious beliefs or the like, Hotel Falster only uses the information to ensure that the guest / customer’s personal preferences, health, etc. are taken into account.
In some situations, Hotel Falster receives personal information from third parties, for example. a travel agent, an agent or the like, including in connection with group bookings. When this happens, the third party concerned is required to inform the relevant guests / customers / suppliers about the Hotel Falster terms and conditions as well as the content of this privacy policy.

Hotel Falster is further by law, cf. above under Item. 5, required to register different information about overnight guests. This information must be stored for 5 years.

7. Registrar’s rights
Under the rules of the Personal Data Regulation, the registered (customers / guests / suppliers) have different rights.
• A registered person is entitled at any time to understand what personal information Hotel Falster deals with the data subject.
• A registered person is entitled at any time to correct and update the personal information that the Hotel Falster has about the registered person.
• A registered person has the right at any time to delete the personal information that Hotel Falster has about the registered person. If a registrant requests deletion, all information that Hotel Falster is not required by law to delete is deleted. The deletion of the data subject’s information may in some cases mean that Hotel Falster can not meet any requirements. concluded agreements or provide certain services to the data subject.
If any of the information that Hotel Falster has about the data subject is given on the basis of the consent of the data subject, it has the right at any time to withdraw the consent, which means that the information is deleted or no longer used by Hotel Falster. This does not apply to information, cf. above as Hotel Falster is legally required to store.
The option to withdraw request deletion, etc. however, may be limited for the protection of other people’s privacy, business secrets and intellectual property rights as well as, for example, in view of the possibility of enforcing potential legal requirements. The registrant may at any time in writing request Hotel Falster to obtain an overview and a copy of the personal data of the registrant who is in possession of Hotel Falster.
A written request for this must be signed by the registered person and include his name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. The registrant may also contact Hotel Falster if the registrant thinks that his personal data is being treated in violation of the law or in violation of other legal obligations, such as The agreement / contract that the registered person has with Hotel Falster Written request is sent to Hotel Falster, see contact details above under Item. 1 Hotel Falster will, as far as possible, send it to the registered mail address within 1 month of receipt of the written request of the registered person.
If the registrant asks for correction and / or deletion of his personal information, Hotel Falster will assess whether the conditions for the request are met and Hotel Falster will then make changes or deletions as soon as possible.
Hotel Falster reserves the right to reject requests that are characteristic of harassment or which require disproportionate technical measures (eg development of a new IT system) or that affect the protection of other data subjects’ personal data or in other situations where it will Be disproportionately resource-consuming or very complicated to accommodate the request.

8. Security and sharing of personal data
Hotel Falster protects the data subject’s personal data and has established guidelines that protect the data subject’s personal data from unauthorized disclosure and access to or unauthorized access to unauthorized persons.
Only those persons / employees at Hotel Falster who have the requisite personal data may have access to it through their job function.
Hotel Falster regularly checks that unauthorized access to the personal data of the registered person does not occur.
Hotel Falster regularly processes the registered personal data.
In case of a security breach, there is a high risk of misuse of the personal data of the data subjects, including, for example, identity theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or other form of abuse, Hotel Falster will notify the registrars of the security breach as soon as possible
Hotel Falster’s security procedures are continuously reviewed and updated in relation to technological developments.
Hotel Falster uses a number of external suppliers of IT services, IT systems, payment solutions, etc.
• Bookings (rooms / events) are located at Spectra, which is a data processor
• Accounting C5 is located at Invento.IT, which is a data processor
• Website is located at Danaweb, which is a data processor
• Benefits and at the Small Danish Hotel and subscribed to the Hotel Falster / DSH newsletter. SDH is a data processor
• For bookings, bookings, service contracts in paper form, Hotel Falster stores the information provided by the guest / customer / supplier for up to 5 years in locked cabinet, after which the information is shredded
• Mails are located at google as well as on local PC with passwords at reception
• Supplier, among others at Trade and is a data processor and data controller
Hotel Falster is entering into continuous data processing agreements with all the suppliers of Hotel Falster, thereby ensuring that they maintain a necessary and high level of protection with regard to the personal data of the data subjects.
In order to meet agreements with the registered and to meet guests and customers needs, Hotel Falster selects personal information with external providers such as restaurants, hotels, etc.
In some cases, Hotel Falster is legally obliged to disclose personal data or to do so as a result of a decision of a public authority.
deletes your personal information when Hotel Falster’s statutory obligation ends or when the purpose of collecting and processing the information is no longer present

10. Cookies
Hotel Falster uses cookies.

11. Complaint
Complaint about Hotel Falster Processing of personal data can be obtained from the Data Inspectorate, BORGERGADE 28, 5, 1300 COPENHAGEN K, TELEPHONE 3319 3200 –
In case of doubt and wrong translations, the Danish version is always valid.