Treat yourself to a stay at Hotel-Falster
Offers and stays can include revue tickets, Green Fee or other great savings
Experience the Nykøbing Falster Revue
We look forward to the revue
Afternoon coffee / cake
3 course menu
Transport and ticket
Breakfast buffet
From DKK: 1,430.00 – eu 197,00
Call for booking
Weekend and weekday stays
Take time off at the weekend
The stay includes pr. day 1 night incl. delicious breakfast buffet, afternoon coffee & cake, 3-course dinner.
Price per person in a shared double room DKK 875,00 eu 119
2 nights with half board
includes 2 nights
breakfast buffet
2-course menu every night
Per person in shared double room DKK 1,398,00 eu 192
normal price DKK 1,825,00 eu 246